Better Health Better Life – Q3 2022 (Providers)
CEO Message

Howard Lee
UHA President and CEO
Developing Connection in Your Organization
When it comes to creating a healthier and higher-performing organization, caring for and connecting with your employees has become an essential element to a healthy work force, which can boost organizational performance.
In our upcoming UHA Work WellSM Summit, Belong: Creating a Supportive Culture, we’ll be discussing data and hearing first-hand experiences from Hawaii leaders on the benefits of workplace belonging with high-levels of personal and organizational connectedness. Organizations that have strong social support systems in place for their people are found to be healthier and happier.
In a recent survey conducted by, Locust Street Group on behalf of AHIP’s Coverage@Work, it revealed that employer-provided health insurance coverage is essential to employees and their families in preserving their health and financial security during the pandemic. A thousand consumers with employer-provided health insurance coverage were surveyed to help gain a better picture of their needs, and their perceptions and expectations of their current coverage. Based on the data, a majority of participants were satisfied with their current coverage and saw it as easy to use and delivered financial peace of mind if something bad were to happen.
Employer-provided coverage is a benefit that gives employees peace of mind and protection. An organization can support and express how much they value their employees by providing coverage that prioritizes them and their families physical and mental health. These benefits can manifest in various services and programs. An organization could start a company-wide wellness challenge to encourage employees to make healthier choices in their daily lives. It could be providing a program that aids in supporting an individual’s mental and behavioral health needs. A benefit could also be seminars or learning sessions that help employees better understand their financial situation, create financial goals, and set up a roadmap for success.
At UHA, we have our Live Well and Be Well benefits and programs to help your employees stay on top of their health and wellness. Our Live Well lifestyle programs help put your employees on the path to well-being by focusing on physical fitness and healthy body weight, smoking and diabetes. Our Be Well benefits and programs are designed to prevent and manage illness. UHA provides education and expertise when it comes to managing chronic conditions and providing care that can make a difference in your quality of life.
Whatever it is your employees are needing, understanding their priorities, followed by introducing programs and services that support them, may benefit the organization. Bottomline, establishing a culture of connectedness coupled with providing amazing care makes for a healthier and higher-performing business. If you’re interested in creating greater connection within your organization, check back on uhahealth.com for more information on our upcoming UHA Work WellSM Summit, Belong: Creating a Supportive Culture.