Better Health Better Life – Q1 2021 (Providers)
CEO Message from Howard

Howard Lee
UHA President and CEO
Looking Forward
After overcoming such extraordinary tribulations this past year, thoughts of what this new year might hold started to permeate. Now is the time to come together and repair, bringing forth a better and brighter future. Themes such as resilience, gratitude, self-care, empathy, unity, and the like, came to mind. We at UHA whole-heartedly believe that there is goodness in togetherness. If we can care for others the way we care for ourselves and our o’hana, that will only make us stronger.
In pondering bringing forth positive change, I was inspired by a favorite mantra of mine. “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.” This mantra is about faith and courage; being content and in a serene state, while being bold to make a change for the better.
These words remind me to be grateful for each day I am given. I will start my day by making my bed, and then continue by taking gradual steps to make a difference. Steps such as wearing a mask, upkeeping good hygiene, social distancing and getting the COVID-19 vaccine once made available to me. I will live each day inspired to facilitate positive change and help others to find their passions and purpose. By taking these steps, I know that I am doing my part to support a better future.
So, my message to those who are working tirelessly to better the community or even the world; take it one day at a time. Start by facilitating positive change, find your passions and purpose, and be bold enough to help others do the same. Let’s focus our energy on positivity, coming together and caring for one another as o’hana.
Mahalo Nui Loa,
Howard Lee
UHA President & CEO