While Away From Hawaii
Benefits when traveling, studying, or working out-of-state
Although UHA’s service area is within Hawaii, benefits are available when you travel away from home. Hawaii will always be your island home, but sometimes, work or school requires national or international travel. In these situations, UHA keeps members cared for with certain types of coverage.

Travel Tips
- Ensure you understand the difference between Urgent Care and the Emergency Room (ER). Did you get stung by a bee, or a swarm of bees? Did you step on a mouse trap, or a bear trap? Trips to the ER should be for emergencies only; most medical needs can be addressed at an urgent care facility.
- Save the numbers for Global Emergency Assistance Service* from Assist America: 1-800-872-1414 if you’re traveling on the mainland, and 1-609-986-1234 if you’re traveling internationally. This concierge service will immediately connect you to doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, and other services if you experience a medical emergency while traveling 100 miles or more away from your permanent residence. Visit UHAhealth.com/assistamerica.
- UHA’s coverage includes emergency medical services while traveling, through reimbursement. Visit our Member FAQ here for more information.
- Call UHA before you step onto the plane. Getting your questions answered and receiving clarification on your coverage prior to leaving will help ensure you get the care you need while you’re away. Call Customer Services at 1-800-458-4600.
Learn about Physician-referred Care Outside of Hawaii
Studying on the Mainland
Staying healthy is important — and UHA makes that possible for your college student while they’re away from home. If you have a dependent 26 or younger living on the Mainland as a student, your UHA benefits will cover emergency services, urgent care visits, and preventive care visits through one of UnitedHealthcare’s Options PPO Network of providers.
Eligible students:
- Are dependent children less than 26 years of age attending school or living on the Mainland
- Coverage through COBRA and living on the Mainland will be reviewed on a case by case basis
- Have access to medical providers across the nation with UnitedHealthcare’s Options PPO Network of providers on the Mainland. Call Customer Services at 1-800-458-4600 for assistance.
If a student has two addresses, UHA will only recognize the Hawaii address which provides coverage in the plan’s service area. There are coverage limitations for specialized or elective services.
Learn about Physician-referred Care Outside of Hawaii
Other Members Living on the Mainland
Eligible workers:
- Are working for a Hawaii-based employer
- Coverage through COBRA and living on the Mainland will be reviewed on a case by case basis
- Have access to medical providers across the nation with UnitedHealthcare’s Options PPO Network of providers on the Mainland. Call Customer Services at 1-800-458-4600 for assistance.
If an employee has two addresses, UHA will only recognize the Hawaii address which provides coverage in the plan’s service area. Insurance covers costs involved according to the limits of your plan. There are coverage limitations for specialized or elective services.
Learn about Physician-referred Care Outside of Hawaii
Physician-referred Care Outside of Hawaii
Important Points About Elective & Self-Referred Treatment*
- UHA’s healthcare network is within the state of Hawaii only.
- You will pay substantially more for services you receive on the Mainland if the service can be done in Hawaii.
- If you want to go to the Mainland for elective or self-referred treatment when the same or similar service is available here locally there are limitations on what is covered. Please contact our Health Care Services team at (808) 532-4006 to discuss your options.
- Please visit Mainland Provider Search for more information
*It is imperative that you understand this completely before any Mainland services are received.